AgriXP is a free, zero-training, crop planning app designed by farmers and their crop consultants to track field data. AgriXP allows the farmer, employees and your crop consultants to securely record crop and field activities. Interact directly or remotely with employees or your agronomists.
Reliable spray record keeping software online: Interact with all of your farms remotely via the advisor dashboard and prescribe your recommandations from one master account. Learn more here...
AgriXP is now more powerful than ever, far beyond the competition. Our production costs with crop budget center is the most robust on the market.
We are continually adding new useful features suggested by farmers. Feel free to contact us to suggest a feature that could make your life easier.
Cost: Always Free for small farms! No need to break the bank. AgriXP offers an affordable premium version with multi-farm dashboard dedicated for medium and big farms, consultants, crop advisors and custom-work agribusinesses. Compare versions here.
Our farm and crop management software is free for small farms; that doesn't mean we don't care about adding new exciting features that you would expect from other similar, but expensive softwares with endless training sessions.
Remember, existing free accounts remain free.
Cloud based. Your data is available any time you need it.
Lost your phone! stolen or broken laptop! viruses!
No need to be afraid of losing your important data again, everything is secure and stored on the cloud with a daily backup.
Remember! Your data belongs to you.
Export almost all of your data and field map boundaries to Excel spreadsheet and shapeFile with AgriXP, a reliable cloud based crop planning software.
Partner for Certification and Regulations
Don't be caught off guard for your audit anymore. Generate your report in one click and demonstrate product traceability.
100% bias-free. AgriXP is TOTALLY unlinked, completely independent and bias-free. We are not affiliated with any banner or manufacturer and don’t sell any farm input.
You already have your field’s boundaries via Google Earth© (.Kml, .kmz), FSAfarm+, FADQ or any geolocated shapefile (.shp), it can be imported directly into your AgriXP account. Learn more here ...
This feature requires manual intervention to verify and ensure coordinate accuracy. It comes standard for users with valid subscription plan.
Import and export your field boundaries.
Reliable spray record keeping in one click.
AgriXP is enriched with several pdf and Excel reports that can be retrieved at the end of each season and saved as a backup.
Complete traceability for fields and crops.
Crop damage report Having a crop damage or loss and can't trust your memory to create a step-by-step timeline report, AgriXP Calender gives you that in two clicks including daily weather details.
A purified Ads-free interface Create your free account here