AgriXP is an online, secure farm data management software. AgriXP for agronomists, consultants and multi-farm managers has been carefully designed to provide real experience with crop monitoring, farm works and scouting.
Are you are farmer? Go to AgriXP for farmers.
Getting Started:
Use your master account to access all farms in one place. Create a default account with custom inputs for all your farms. Share it with different security levels: guest, advisor, administrator or employee.
Crop planning and input recommendations made easy.
Deploy fertilizer and pesticide recommendations and schedule any activity to be done later by any user. AgriXP’s dynamic dashboard displays a snapshot of your farms.
Affordable farm record keeping software. Having same data on hand to log for many farms, simply switch from one farm to another with one click while keeping the current view.
A dashboard that works.
The adviser's dashboard presents another way of visualizing and planning your customer's activities.
Remember! Your data belongs to you and your farmers.
To reinforce this commitment, we have added additional feature to export all data and field map boundaries from each of your customers to Excel Spreadsheet or shapefile. This feature is exclusive to AgriXP. u>
Crop-Experts spend large part of their day visiting many fields for various farms. Stop touching your phone or flipping roadmaps while driving. With only 3 clicks, change the farm, select another field and get the route.
Preview field entrance and drive safely to your next field.
Communicate effectively.
AgriXP’s internal communication system allows bidirectional communication with the farmer or with all users via calendar planning.
Cloud based. Your data is available any time you need it.
Lost your phone! stolen or broken laptop! hate viruses!
No need to be afraid of losing your important data again, everything is secure and stored on the cloud with a daily backup.
Complete traceability for fields and crops.
Be more productive. As a crop expert or consultant, you would like to diagnose a drop in yield and create a step-by-step chronological report for all activities, AgriXP calendar gives you that in two clicks by even indicating daily weather details.
Generate pesticide record for each farm.
Built-in pdf and excel pesticide reports for each client make AgriXP the most comprehensive pesticide record keeping software.
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